Lean Materials software packages provide tools for material
verification, complete traceability, kit allocation and lean
'Just in time' materials management.
Material Verification eliminates mistakes made loading
materials on machines. Significant re-work cost can then be
eliminated, as well as productivity loss caused by incorrect
material management, effects on delivery and reputation. The
package can be configured with several methods of achieving
the level of verification required to match the business
Material Allocation
Extended changeovers and/or cut-short production runs can
be eliminated through the use of precise control of material
preparation for production jobs. MRP/ERP systems have little
visibility of materials on the shop floor. Material Allocation
ensures that all the material required for the complete job is
located and picked in advance before starting.
JIT Materials
Transition from material allocation (Push) to just-in-time
operation (Pull) makes a huge reduction of WIP reducing
interest payment on excess materials. Materials are managed
such that they are delivered to the shop floor only when and
where they are needed. The system ensures that every piece of
material is accounted for which improves material accuracy to
near perfect levels, reducing the need for high
Green Compliance
RoHS, Lead-free, WEEE are all placing additional pressures
on manufacturers. JEDEC compliant control of moisture
sensitive devices is also a factor. Used in conjunction with
Complete Traceability these features can track and record the
compliance to these legislative and physical constraints. The
certification of operation and correct usage of parts are
controlled including support for a mixed RoHS / non-RoHS
Traceability Suite
The important aspect of the Traceability Suite is that it
gives you want you need. The compliance with legislation,
legal liability issues, breadth of coverage, depth of
coverage, detail of information, access to information,
security and reliability. Add to this wish list the overriding
factor that this should not add any net burden or cost to the
manufacturing operation. This is exactly what the simple,
flexible and fully configurable Traceability Suite